Runcible Eats/ Recipes

They dined on mince, and slices of quince,

which they ate with a runcible spoon.

The above illustration and quote are from the nonsense poem The Owl & the Pussycat by Edward Lear. You know the one. It starts with:

The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea

In a beautiful pea green boat,

They took some honey, and plenty of money,

wrapped up in a five pound note.

It is a favourite of mine and I particularly love the nonsense word “runcible”. Lear used it to refer to a spoon, as noted above, he also mentions a runcible goose as well as a runcible cat in other of his works. What does it mean? I don’t really know, but I definitely like it. It’s wonderfully whimscal and puzzlingly inexplicable! Kind of like my sudden cooking obsession…

Here’s where you can find a directory for my Runcible Eats Recipes which have sprung from my kitchen madness. Some recipes appear in multiple categories.

Recently folks have been commenting that with all of the recipe’s listed here now (over 500!) it has become difficult to locate their favorites. Soooo….I decided to create a “favorites” category to make it a bit easier. If your personal favorite isn’t found here, drop me a line and maybe I will add it!













Jams/Jelly/ Conserve


Sauces/ Condiments


St. Patrick’s Day


13 Responses to Runcible Eats/ Recipes

  1. Mary Ann Collins says:

    What do I do with the rest of the cider/Apple mixture after I take out the one cup? I couldn’t find a mention of it in the recipe.

    • liadh1 says:

      Hi Mary Ann- The rest of the cider/apple mixture is left over. I usually save it and put it on yogurt, oatmeal or over ice cream. best- Lea

  2. […] Runcible Eats/ Recipes […]

  3. […] Runcible Eats/ Recipes […]

  4. BlarneyTalker says:

    I discovered your blog after I found a recipe for Holiday Spiced Beef in an Irish cookbook.
    I was curious how the sandwich was put together using this meat.
    I have fallen in love with your recipes, they are so unique.
    I am not going to wait until St Pat’s day to start trying them

  5. Catherine says:

    Hello, growing up here in Canada we loved that poem and my parents decided that the runcible spoon was a slotted spoon so we have ever since referred to them as that. I have the identical little ceramic honey pot with the wooden bee dipper as you show in your photos. Adorable. (Paid 10 bucks for mine!)

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